List of Claude AI Supported Countries for both Chat and API Access
The accessibility of Claude AI spans a diverse tapestry of countries, making it a global companion ready to assist with natural language processing, content creation, and much more. Whether you’re in Asia, Europe or Africa, Claude AI’s presence is felt, enabling users to interact, innovate, and explore the realms of AI.
Claude AI Supported Countries for Claude.AI Access
For those looking to dive directly into the world of Claude AI via chatbot itself, a wide range of countries offers direct access to its services.
This availability not only demonstrates Anthropic’s commitment to global outreach but also ensures users from various cultural and geographical backgrounds can experience the benefits of AI.
Updated on Jan 10th 2025
List of Claude AI Supported Regions
Albania | Guatemala | Saudi Arabia |
Algeria | Guinea | Senegal |
Andorra | Guinea-Bissau | Serbia |
Angola | Guyana | Seychelles |
Antigua and Barbuda | Haiti | Sierra Leone |
Argentina | Honduras | Singapore |
Armenia | Hungary | Slovakia |
Australia | Iceland | Slovenia |
Austria | India | Solomon Islands |
Azerbaijan | Indonesia | South Africa |
Bahamas | Iraq | South Korea |
Bahrain | Ireland | Spain |
Bangladesh | Israel | Sri Lanka |
Barbados | Italy | Suriname |
Belgium | Jamaica | Sweden |
Belize | Japan | Switzerland |
Benin | Jordan | Taiwan |
Bhutan | Kazakhstan | Tajikistan |
Bolivia | Kenya | Tanzania |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Kiribati | Thailand |
Botswana | Kuwait | Timor-Leste |
Brazil | Kyrgyzstan | Togo |
Brunei | Laos | Tonga |
Bulgaria | Latvia | Trinidad and Tobago |
Burkina Faso | Lebanon | Tunisia |
Burundi | Lesotho | Turkiye |
Cabo Verde | Liberia | Turkmenistan |
Cambodia | Liechtenstein | Tuvalu |
Cameroon | Lithuania | Uganda |
Canada | Luxembourg | Ukraine |
Chad | Madagascar | United Arab Emirates |
Chile | Malawi | United Kingdom |
Colombia | Malaysia | United States of America |
Comoros | Maldives | Uruguay |
Congo (Brazzaville) | Malta | Uzbekistan |
Costa Rica | Mariana Islands | Vanuatu |
Côte d’Ivoire | Marshall Islands | Vatican City |
Croatia | Mauritania | Vietnam |
Cyprus | Mauritius | Zambia |
Czechia (Czech Republic) | Mexico | Zimbabwe |
Denmark | Micronesia | Palau |
Djibouti | Moldova | Palestine |
Dominica | Monaco | Panama |
Dominican Republic | Mongolia | Papua New Guinea |
Ecuador | Montenegro | Paraguay |
Egypt | Morocco | Peru |
El Salvador | Mozambique | Philippines |
Equatorial Guinea | Namibia | Poland |
Estonia | Nauru | Portugal |
Eswatini | Nepal | Qatar |
Fiji | Netherlands | Romania |
Finland | New Zealand | Rwanda |
France | Niger | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Gabon | Nigeria | Saint Lucia |
Gambia | North Macedonia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Georgia | Norway | Samoa |
Germany | Oman | San Marino |
Ghana | Pakistan | São Tomé and Príncipe |
Greece | Palau |

Claude AI API Supported Countries
On the flip side, developers and organizations aiming to integrate Claude AI’s capabilities into their applications or systems can rejoice, as commercial API access is extensively supported.
This opens doors to creating bespoke AI solutions tailored to specific needs, fostering innovation across the globe.
Updated on Jan 10th 2025
List of Claude API Supported Regions
Albania | Algeria | Andorra |
Angola | Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina |
Armenia | Australia | Austria |
Azerbaijan | Bahamas | Bahrain |
Bangladesh | Barbados | Belgium |
Belize | Benin | Bhutan |
Bolivia | Botswana | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Brazil | Brunei | Bulgaria |
Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cabo Verde |
Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada |
Chad | Chile | Colombia |
Comoros | Congo (Brazzaville) | Costa Rica |
Côte d’Ivoire | Croatia | Cyprus |
Czechia (Czech Republic) | Denmark | Djibouti |
Dominica | Dominican Republic | Ecuador |
Egypt | El Salvador | Equatorial Guinea |
Estonia | Eswatini | Fiji |
Finland | France | Gabon |
Gambia | Georgia | Germany |
Ghana | Greece | Grenada |
Guatemala | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau |
Guyana | Haiti | Honduras |
Hungary | Iceland | India |
Indonesia | Iraq | Ireland |
Israel | Italy | Jamaica |
Japan | Jordan | Kazakhstan |
Kenya | Kiribati | Kuwait |
Kyrgyzstan | Laos | Latvia |
Lebanon | Lesotho | Liberia |
Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg |
Madagascar | Malawi | Malaysia |
Maldives | Malta | Mariana Islands |
Marshall Islands | Mauritania | Mauritius |
Mexico | Micronesia | Moldova |
Monaco | Mongolia | Montenegro |
Morocco | Mozambique | Namibia |
Nauru | Nepal | Netherlands |
New Zealand | Niger | Nigeria |
North Macedonia | Norway | Oman |
Pakistan | Palau | Palestine |
Panama | Papua New Guinea | Paraguay |
Peru | Philippines | Poland |
Portugal | Qatar | Romania |
Rwanda | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Lucia |
S. Vincent and the Grenadines | Samoa | San Marino |
São Tomé and Príncipe | Saudi Arabia | Senegal |
Serbia | Seychelles | Sierra Leone |
Singapore | Slovakia | Slovenia |
Solomon Islands | South Africa | South Korea |
Spain | Sri Lanka | Suriname |
Sweden | Switzerland | Taiwan |
Tajikistan | Tanzania | Thailand |
Timor-Leste | Togo | Tonga |
Trinidad and Tobago | Tunisia | Turkiye |
Turkmenistan | Tuvalu | Uganda |
Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom |
United States of America | Uruguay | Uzbekistan |
Vanuatu | Vatican City | Vietnam |
Zambia | Zimbabwe |
Claude AI’s Expansion: When will more countries be added?
Claude AI is extending its reach across continents and cultures. However, its journey towards global accessibility encounters unique challenges, especially within the European and Canadian domains. These challenges, far from being roadblocks, have opened avenues for innovation, adaptability, and strategic planning by Anthropic, the creators of Claude AI.
Claude AI’s European and Canadian Accessibility
While direct access to Claude AI in Europe and its API spans across many countries, specific regions in Europe may face limitations. However, this doesn’t halt the journey into AI. Exploring alternatives and understanding how Claude AI can be utilized across European countries, despite these restrictions, showcases the adaptability and resilience of users and developers alike.
Similarly, Claude AI in Canada, where direct access met with barriers in the past, but users and developers in Canada can access and explore various pathways to integrate Claude AI technologies into their endeavors at the moment.
Claude AI’s accessibility paints a picture of a world increasingly connected through technology. From direct access in numerous countries to comprehensive API support for developers worldwide, Claude AI is at the forefront of democratizing artificial intelligence. As we navigate through the nuances of global accessibility, including the unique scenarios in Europe and Canada, the essence of Claude AI’s mission remains clear: to offer a helpful, honest, and harmless AI assistant to as wide an audience as possible.
As Anthropic continues to expand its horizons, the future of Claude AI looks promising, ensuring that no matter where you are in the world, the power of AI is within reach. Share if you want to see your country in the supported regions in the comments.
Quick FAQ: Claude AI Supported Countries

- Is Claude AI available in the United States?
Yes, Claude AI is accessible in the United States, offering users a comprehensive AI experience across various platforms and services. - Can I use Claude AI in the United Kingdom?
Absolutely, the United Kingdom is among the countries where Claude AI services are readily available, enabling users to leverage its AI capabilities. - Is Claude AI accessible in Canada?
Yes, Canada is now supported, and Claude AI is available for users across the country to utilize its advanced AI functionalities. - Can users in Australia access Claude AI?
Yes, Australians have access to Claude AI, allowing them to explore and utilize its advanced AI features. - Is Claude AI offered in Japan?
Indeed, Japan is on the list of countries with access to Claude AI, embracing the technology across various sectors. - Are there Claude AI services in India?
Yes, India is among the countries where Claude AI is available, providing a wide range of AI-driven solutions and services. - Can I use Claude AI if I’m in Germany?
Yes, Claude AI is now accessible in Germany, enabling users to utilize its full range of AI capabilities. - Is Claude AI accessible in France?
Yes, France has direct access to Claude AI, offering advanced AI functionalities to its users. - Do users in Brazil have access to Claude AI?
Yes, Brazil is included in the list of countries where Claude AI is accessible, enabling users to integrate AI technologies into their digital landscapes. - Is Claude AI available in South Africa?
Indeed, South Africa is one of the countries where Claude AI is available, offering advanced AI capabilities to users across the nation. - Is Claude AI accessible in Mexico?
Yes, Mexico is among the countries where Claude AI is accessible, allowing users to explore its innovative AI functionalities. - Can users in Spain use Claude AI?
Yes, Claude AI is now available in Spain, enabling users to leverage its AI technology. - Are there Claude AI services available in Italy?
Yes, Italy now has access to Claude AI, allowing users to benefit from its AI-driven solutions. - Is Claude AI offered in the Netherlands?
Yes, the Netherlands is now among the countries where Claude AI is available, offering access to its advanced AI functionalities. - Can I access Claude AI in Singapore?
Yes, Singapore is one of the countries where Claude AI is available, providing users with access to its advanced AI services. - Is Claude AI available in New Zealand?
Indeed, New Zealanders have access to Claude AI, enabling them to utilize its cutting-edge AI technology. - Can users in Russia access Claude AI?
Due to various regulatory and logistical challenges, Claude AI is not currently available in Russia. - Is Claude AI accessible for users in China?
China does not currently have access to Claude AI, as there are specific regulatory and operational considerations to navigate. - Can users in Sweden use Claude AI?
Yes, Sweden is now listed among the countries where Claude AI is available, offering its services to local users. - Is Claude AI offered in Belgium?
Yes, Belgium now has direct access to Claude AI, expanding its reach within European markets.